Monday, September 30, 2019

Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw and William Golding’s Lord of the Flies Essay

Compare the ways in which children are portrayed in Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw and William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. How convincing do you find each author’s treatment of evil in relation to his characters? Everyone likes to think of childhood as a symbol of a time of innocence. People tend to look back on their childhood nostalgically, they remember it as carefree and often use the term ‘youth is wasted on the young’ these feelings have stayed with us for centuries and are incredibly deep rooted. These feelings therefore, create widespread outrage when evil becomes apparent in children or is inflicted upon them, For example the murder of James Bulger by ten year olds and also abuse and corruption of children. Children are thought of as vulnerable, when there vulnerability is taken advantage of, especially by another child a question is asked, is childhood innocence a myth? The Victorians were aware of the religious doctrine of original sin, yet they were shocked that there was the suggestion that the two young children in Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw could be evil. Golding presents children with a strong propensity to evil and disorder. Golding’s children are a mixture, from saintly Simon to barbaric Jack. The fact that the two writers have different aims to come of their stories should be taken into consideration. Golding has written a fable, whilst his characters are all boys, and are recognisably boys; they all possess different characters that are intended to represent humanity. They are all individuals, Ralph, Piggy, Simon and Jack but each one can be categorised. On the other hand James has written a ghost story, albeit of an unconventional kind. Also, the two children in The Turn of the Screw are never actually shown from a different point of view from that of the governess, we never see Miles and Flora as wholly rounded individuals we don’t gain access into their thoughts and feelings and therefore could interpret them wrongly. They could be the corrupted accomplices of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel, as the governess believes, or they could be the sexually obsessed fantasies in her head. In Golding’s novel there is not a definite narrator. Golding allows us to know what the boys are thinking and feeling; this is particularly true of Ralph and Simon. When Miles and Flora are first introduced into the novel they are seen through the romantic and idealising vision of the governess and therefore are portrayed to us as ‘innocent and beautiful; they have charm and perfect manners’ Yes, this is because the governess has a romantic imagination and is overwhelmed by her new responsibilities but it also could be because the children’s innocence portrayed in the first chapters of the novel makes their depravity later on seem all the more shocking to the reader as a contrast. When we first meet Golding’s boys however they are portrayed to us far more realistically, Piggy is an excellent example of this as he is the first most down to earth character we meet, you immediately get an image of piggy and the things he says are never questioned in the readers head to be unrealistic or fake about him. This is because his speech and manners aren’t perfect, which is what you would expect in a child. For me both authors treatment of evil in relation to his characters are convincing. James approaches the question of evil by being deliberately inexplicit. We are never actually informed as to what offence Miles was expelled from school ‘I said things’- Miles. Also, in chapter six the governess feels a ‘sudden sickness of disgust’ when she learns from Mrs. Grose that Quint was ‘too free’ with Miles. Again we don’t learn exactly what this means; it could refer to some sort of sexual abuse. I think this is a convincing and effective way of putting across the evil in the book because the novel seems to gain in power precisely because James refuses to spell things out for the reader. The ghostly apparitions are given a genuinely chilly impact ‘he slowly changed his place, looking at me hard all the while, to the opposite corner of the platform’ through the governess’s reaction the reader is made vividly aware of an atmosphere of evil. For Golding evil is first manifest in the gradual breakdown of order amongst the boys: they neglect things they agreed to do together, such as building shelters; they pick on or shun those who are different, notably piggy and Simon. Roger begins to discover that he enjoys wielding power over others and even inflicting pain; the lure of hunting turns into blood lust; the boys succumb to the fear of the ‘Beast’ and superstition. Simon the visionary is the only boy with the insight to see that evil is a part of Melanie Parkes human nature. The Beast is not an external creature to be feared, but it is inside each one of them. This evil is an enemy of reason and order and wishes to extinguish them. It results in murder, first of Simon, then of Piggy, and finally the boys intend to hunt and kill Ralph. I also find the evil in children implication convincing in Goldings writing as it implies that evil comes from within and is present in everyone, even children. The build up to children murdering each other in this story is convincing and therefore the evil in them is convincing as nothing on the island apart from a dead corpse was there to trigger the evil that came from only them. Overall the two writers manage to deal with ‘evil’ in different but effectively, whilst both stories are of a different genre they both deal with the fact that evil may well be present in children. The children are portrayed differently because evil because apparent them in different ways, in James’s novel through the ghosts and in Golding’s novel through ‘The Beast’ however in both books evil is seen as a force, which consumes and destroys. Miles is destroyed at the end of James’s novel though in ambiguous circumstances. In Golding’s novel, the entire island is turned from a paradise into a raging inferno.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Children and Young People’s Workforce Essay

001.1.1-What are the different reasons people communicate? There are many reasons for people to communicate these could include, giving or receiving information in my setting with co workers for daily activites.This also could be used for receiving instructions. I would also need communication if I had concerns over a child or if I was unsure how to do a certain task. Communication is also vital for giving feedback to parents about what their child has done during their time in the nursery. This could be face to face or by the telephone, either way my communication must be positive. Non-verbal communication is sometimes greater than the spoken word. We use non verbal 65% of the time can be effective when communicating with any individual or persons in the child setting.Non-verbal communication can be effective if trying to explain shapes,directions,inner feelings and personality’s. Eye contact plays a big part when communicating with anyone. Its part of your facial expressions and body movements. eyes can be trusting and never lie; Children and co workers will need eye contact for good communication. Read more:  Identify the different reasons people communicate  essay Communicating with children in my setting could involve giving instructions, reading books, engaging with the children. Listening to what the children have to say. Facial expressions, tone of voice and posture will project how you are engaging in the conversation with the child. Using signs/pictures with children can be a form of communication, Talking at the child’s level will encourage them to feel confident and develop trust, which will lead to a healthy, happy relationship between us. Having the ability to sometimes use non verbal communication alongside verbal can help connect with children and co workers or parents. Sometimes bad behaviour will need good communication skills. Shouting should always be a LAST resort. Having time out or withdrawal from a activity may help. Sometimes we may need to ignore bad behaviour, This could be to get control back if a child is being disruptive and distracting other children. I think overall communication is vital in any setting. 001.2.3- Give some examples of when you might need to seek advice about communication. How would you go about this? Seeking advice is sometimes needed for support. If we didn’t seek advice then how would we know what to do? We should always ask for advice and help if needed.  This would cover a number of scenarios in the childcare setting some could include: Noticing if a child is acting differently or seems not their selves, I would have to seek advice with my co workers about how to look after the child or if they have noticed the child is behaving differently. I would ask questions about the child’s behaviour the day before to confirm that they are not themselves I’d possibly have to inform the child’s parents, if the child is unwell or has a injury at nursery. Also I may need advice if a child has a disability and I’m unsure how to look after the child, they may need special care and I may not know how to give it. I f we know all the things we need to know about the children we can work better together in the setting. This could be something simple as to if the child has an allergy to a certain food, or is on medication and needs it at specific times. I will need to seek advice on what to give and when and what foods they cannot have. Incase of an emergency I would need to seek advice regarding first aid and find the appropriate first aider in the setting. The more information we know the better we can be in our roles. It will increase confidence and your co workers will feel they can rely on you to do the task in hand. 001.3.1 What are the possible barriers to effective communication? I think there are many possible barriers that could affect communication some include: * Language. speaking in different languages or were a English is not a first language it can cause communication breakdown as its difficult to understand one another. To overcome the barriers we could speak slowly  and politely. We could try and get a translator in the setting, if there isn’t a translator then we would have to see what we can understand with the limited vocabulary. * Hearing difficulties. If a person is deaf or hard of hearing. The communication can be difficult. This is when seeking advice would come into play with co workers. Bringing in a signer would help; this would put you and the other individual at ease and make communicating a lot easier. * Noise. If the setting is noisy if someone or something is making loud noises when you’re trying to talk, then communication will fail. We could go into a quieter environment or if not ask the persons to possibly be abit quieter so you can speak, so the communication between myself and another person won’t be broken or interrupted. * Personality/interests .Personal likes and dislikes can cause barriers in conversation, people may have selective hearing if they think a certain subject is boring. It could make people feel ignored or not welcome if they don’t seem interested. Trying to reason with disagreements or different points of view and if not agree to disagree. Sometimes aggression can make people not want to communicate and push them out. They would not want to be in the same environment and would feel uncomfortable so I doubt they would want to have a conversation with any angry person. * Culture. Different cultures regulate the display of their emotions differently, some people display emotions in a debate, eg cry shout get angry or frustrated. They can show fear. Others may hide their emotions. To overcome any barriers or issues I would try to listen and understand and reason with the other person, and treat them how I would like to be treated. 001.3.4 What support and information services are available to enable more effective communication? I have had a look on the web for information services and support groups for effective communication. These are the ones I have found which would probably be more beneficial. * Braille. It is used by those who have visual impairments or blind. Braille is read by fingers touching raised dots containing two columns each with three dots. There are two types of Braille- grade 1 and grade 2. Grade 1 is letter by letter, which takes a lot of time to read. Grade 2 is faster as it combines letters commonly used together. The Braille system is a method that is widely used. It helps people to communicate, read and write. It is seen as a  alternative form of communication.( 12/05/12) 12/05/12 * BSL is another form of alternative communication. British sign language is a form of communication used by people who are hard of hearing or deaf. Sign language involves movement of the hands, body and head. It helps the deaf to communicate and connect with others around them. It is a visual mean of communication which uses gestures, facial expression and body language.( 12/05/12) * Lip reading. Is used as communication. It is a technique of understanding speech by visually interpreting the movements of the lips, face and tongue. Lip readers who have grown up deaf may never have heard the spoken language and are unlikely to be fluent users of it. ( 12/05/12) 001.4.1 What is meant by the term confidentiality? Confidentiality is a term used widely in a childcare setting. It means secret, private. It can be a meaning of trust. It can be any information regarding a child’s development. All the information about the children will be kept in a child’s record which will be kept in a secure place. All staff must be aware of the confidentiality policy and it must be enforced in the workplace. The nursery retains a copy of the information and the parents always keep originals. Confidentiality within a child setting means at no time must staff speak about outside of school. I could use a child’s information as part of proof for my college work but would have to use a different name and use them as a case study to help my studies. I would have to seek permission from school to gain access to this information 001.4.3 Describe situations where information normally considered to be confidential, might need to be passed on. Confidential information must remain confidential unless a child’ safety is a t risk or for development purposes. By keeping things confidential you will gain a bond of trust between yourselves and parents and co workers. It protects staff aswell as children and their families. Another reason for sharing information could be to support learning, to check what level a child is at, also offering support from transition from pre-school to school, may need to speak to teacher regarding behaviour and also to ask previous staff about the child’s  behaviour so you can be in the know if any behavioural problems or background problem have been apparent. There could be something happening at home that possibly affecting a child at school†¦ ‘new baby, just moved house, mum and dad not getting on’ can all affect a child’s behaviour and may go un noticed to the parent but become noticeable in the childcare setting. This would be when confidentiality would be broken, as we would have to put the child’s interest first by speaking about it to a co worker for advice or support in dealing with the information you have found out. Everyone will be working together in best interest for the child. Sharing information maybe needed incase of emergency, for the welfare of the children. I may need to ask another teacher about a child’s medical condition or possibly a disability. The I am made aware of the procedures if a accident should occur and medical help or any other assistance is need from me. Research to prepare for verbal questions 001.1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of your work. If you have effective communication in your work it will give your more confidence to ask for help/support. More confidence in your job, towards looking after children and it will put more confidence in your co workers as you will be punctual and competent at your job. You will know what is in place in your setting, which means you will know what’s safe and what’s not. 001.1.3 Why is it important to observe reactions when communicating? It is important to observe people when speaking to them to see if they are understanding and taking interest in what you are saying, you can do this by watching facial impressions, eye contact body language. These all play apart in communication.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

History of the U.S. - Iran relations Term Paper

History of the U.S. - Iran relations - Term Paper Example The diplomatic relationship between the two countries were not established till 1857, and by 1930, the two countries had minimal but cordial contact. After the Second World War, since 1953, America was the strongest ally of the Shah of Iran.It is important to understand that Iran was undergoing tremendous internal political and social changes during the late nineteenth and twentieth century. It was hitherto a stable nation resistant to change. During this time, the foreign involvement of Britain and Russia signaled radical changes in the social and political systems of Iran. It was perhaps for this reason that Iran tried to improve diplomatic relations during this period with the US because of its anti-colonizing stance and its attractive foreign policy towards Third World Countries. The establishment of the American Diplomatic Mission in 1833 was a result of the increasing missionary presence in Tehran. It also sought financial expertise from the US in 1911 and 1925. In the early 19 20’s, Reza Khan overthrew the ruling Ahmad Shah and the traditional Iranian system, both. He secularized Iranian politics and attempted to lay down the foundation of modern economy and infrastructure. However, he did not have the tools to bring about this radical transformation in the social as well as political systems organically; therefore: ‘Force became the method to achieve political and economic ends’. (Alikhani, 2000, p.6) In spite of this, Iran prospered under the rule of the new Shah and his son, Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, who ascended the throne in 1941. At that time, western Iran had fallen under the control of Soviet Union and the United Kingdom. The Soviet troops had stationed themselves after the war and refused to leave the country. However, under the pressure of the UN and the US, in 1946, it withdrew its troops. The US continued its support to the Shah under the Kennedy administration that brought about tremendous economic growth, also known as the W hite Revolution, by exporting oil from the vast petroleum reserves of Iran, which at that time were the third largest in the world. However, the Iranian people were not happy and extreme poverty, particularly in the rural areas instigated hatred for the ruler of Iran and its ally, the US. It was believed that the Shah was an American agent and the huge American army deployed in Iran was not to defend the nation from external interventions; rather it was there to protect the Shah from his own people. It paved way for the Islamic Revolution in Iran and Imam Khomeini came into power. By then, people had had developed deep hatred for America for whatever evil had happened to their country during the past 25 years. So, the seeds had been planted long before November 1979, when the Shah of Iran was overthrown and Islamic Revolution in Iran was heralded. When the radical Muslim students of Tehran seized the US embassy and took the staff hostage in 1979; that proved to be the turning point in the US-Iran relationship. While the American diplomats were made hostage for 444 days, Khomeini availed this time in reforming the system of the government, and having done all such tasks like holding the presidential and parliamentary elections in Iran, which have been otherwise impossible. On the other hand, it destroyed whatsoever diplomatic relations the two countries had, and the US imposed economical and other sanctions on Iran. The punishment of Iran by the US continues even today. Since 1981, the Swiss government assumed representation of US interests in Tehran; while the embassy of Pakistan in Washington DC handles Iranian affairs in the Iranian Interests Section. The Islamic Republic of Iran also has a permanent mission to the United Nations in New York. Description of the Current Situation Since 2002, IAEA is striving to convince Iran to abide by the Non Nuclear Proliferation Treaty Safeguards Agreement in order to ensure peace in the region. However, it continues to d isregard the few agreements it has signed with IAEA. The

Friday, September 27, 2019

Theology 101 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theology 101 - Essay Example Martyrdom of Perpetua and her Companions record that it is Perpetua’s brother who suggested to her that she could receive a vision. Dame Julian’s vision’s happened after a priest who visited her left. According to St. Augustine, human beings are an embodiment of the body and soul. St. Augustine believed that humans are responsible for their misfortunes because they choose corruptible things over incorruptible ones. In Confessions, he reckoned that he needed continence and chastity but he kept postponing. To Augustine, the soul is eternal and choosing the spiritual is what brings transformation to human hearts and souls. Paul divided human nature into three; the spirit, soul and body. Interestingly, in Romans 7, he uses the analogy of the inner and outer man revealing another one of his perspectives of human nature. Paul believed transformation in human hearts and souls comes after believing in Jesus. According to Paul, embracing spiritual life is the remedy for sin. Champions of the Protestant Reformation took issue with several aspects of the Roman Catholic theology. While, Roman Catholicism taught that the same deposit of faith inspired tradition and scripture, the reformers believed that the scripture was the only authority in the life a believer. The reformers held that salvation is the result of grace through faith contrary to what Roman Catholicism taught that salvation was solely by faith. Reformers held that all Christian believers were priests hence contending that Roman Catholic’s institution of the priest. Luther followed the footsteps of his predecessor reformers in his revolutionary actions. He stuck his ninety-five theses on a church and destroyed the pope’s warning of excommunication in public. Early western reformers remained in church neither executed nor excommunicated because of the hope that they would change their reformation ideas. The Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church took place between

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Road To Recovery For the State of Illinois Research Paper

The Road To Recovery For the State of Illinois - Research Paper Example There are many other states that have not recovered fully or partially from the recession aftermaths and Illinois is also among them. It has been facing crisis since last few years. The governor and authorities are striving to take the state out of the critical situation but things is not that much easy. Illinois? is facing many crises at present. In fact there is a cluster of crisis including jobs, energy, pension issue, education etc. The Governor of the state Pat Quinn is currently fighting with all these issues and he has also proposed some changes for the improvement of the situation. He has introduced some plans for the betterment of economic landscape, human rights, employment conditions and extra funding for education etc. Financial situation of the state is not stable at all and it has created many problems for every single person living in the state. Governor has proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2013 and that budget actually has a depth of solving these issues b y having around $58 billion. He thinks that this budget will put Illinois on the road to recovery and it will be recovered soon by such turmoil. Structural reforms are proposed for pension system of the state and Medicaid program (Quinn 22). The journey of the state towards recovery highly depends upon the leadership. The leadership having the capability of taking difficult decisions with confidence and with optimistic approach can overcome the issues being faced by the state. Unfortunately people of Illinois have been waiting for long for such decisions but now the right time is there and the leadership is taking critical decisions that are important for the fiscal recovery of the state. The budget proposed by Governor has everything that is needed to cater the magnitude of crisis faced by the state. Quinn proposed budget gained appreciation and importance in people eyes because he has demonstrated that he doesn’t believe in borrowing money because it ultimately puts pressur e on the state. Borrowing will lead to reserved surplus and problem will be transfer to next years. Medicaid Program is the important step taken towards the recovery of the state. The program aims to support the under-privileged class through so that they can get access to healthcare facilities and medication. The current funding is not fully curtailed but it is not appropriate. If borrowing happens then Medicaid budget will be underfunded up to $2.6 billion. Proposed budget will overcome the funding gap by bringing changes for instance; repayment rate would decrease for healthcare provider and tax on cigarette would be much higher. Crises are severe and it is believed that proposed changes are appropriate enough to take the state to the next level easily with plan and strategy (Bunch and Beverley 57). Without a cost cutting plan, Assembly would not approve this budget because if funding of the state for Medicaid program get ignored then it will put burden of $5billion and the next fiscal year will be full of crisis. Quinn has proposed to handle the cost of pension system that will consume 20% fund in next fiscal year. Programs that are not funded and are acting as a liability on state will not be a burden anymore and he has also asked employees and tax payers to contribute for taking the state out of this situation. Quinn is optimistic in solving these problems but civic federation still has concerns regarding this approach because according to them pain taken from previous years is not that much easy. In 2010, Quinn

Exercise assignments Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Exercise assignments - Coursework Example All the three factors when combined give freedom to an individual and people start valuing their life. 2. I agree that without denying Individual freedom, unity and order in a moral system is a big problem. Once an Individual is given full freedom, the Individual does not realize his actions towards others. His act of freedom might hurt others which in turn causes dispute among individuals. Hence freedom of individuals has to be denied in order to attain unity in a moral system. 8. I use all the principles in my day to day life. I try to have my own freedom when required and that freedom is within my limits. I always try to value my life and make sure that I am good to others. Along with enjoying my regular activities, I also believe in being fair to the people and to the society around you. There have been times when I could not be good to people but I have always tried my best in being good to the people around

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Social anxiety Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social anxiety - Research Paper Example People experiencing from social phobia are not afraid of fear, rather they are afraid of what people think about them and how people perceive them. This fear is mostly associated with the negative perception or the belief that people perceive negatively about the person being evaluated. Due to this fear, individuals believe that they are going to be negatively assessed by others, will not be acceptable by others, will be bullied and people might disapprove them. Due to these perceptions, an individual may face the problem of social anxiety. Individuals living in US aging between 18 and 54 are most commonly affected by this disorder, around 3.7% of the total population which accounts for 5.3 million Americans are said to be experiencing this disease (Kahn, 2001, p.51). Twice the number of women are said to be effected by this disorder as compared to men but higher number of men seek assistance to solve this issue (Kahn, 2001, p.51). Mostly an individual is affected by this disease dur ing childhood; individuals who cross the age of 25 have less chances of developing this disorder. Social anxiety is one of the top most common forms of disorders experienced by US. Body During the 1980s, social anxiety was realized as a mental disposition by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder; this realization took place much later than other forms of mental issues (Kearney, 2005, p.11). Heavy amount of research and study has not focused on this disease but quite a lot of physicians and researchers are working towards this social and mental problem. Researchers have been able to identify two forms of social phobia, though it is unclear whether both these problems are similar or distinct. The first kind of social phobia is one in which people are afraid of conducting one of the several forms of social actions such as speaking in front of the public and working or eating while around people. The second division of social phobia is recognized as generalized social phobia, people experiencing this form of social phobia are afraid of conducting all sorts of social activities (Kearney, 2005, p.12). Media has paid attention to social phobia and has stated that pharmaceutical companies are trying to sell medication that is used to solve the issue of shyness and they believe that shyness is not a medical condition (Gambrill, 2012, p.67). The issue of pharmaceutical companies operating in an unethical way to make profits should not be mixed with the issue of social phobia as everyday several individuals throughout the world along with US experience this metal disorder and are not able to complete their social obligations. An individual should not be labeled as someone who is experiencing any disease if they are going through emotional changes that are important for their life. But proper importance needs to be assigned to someone who is actually experiencing certain mental issues. Social phobia or social anxiety itself is a label given to those who are actually suffering from these issues and these labeling aids them in obtaining help from physicians and gain support from others who are experiencing the same challenge. Experiencing social anxiety is not a huge issue, thus others need to accept such people and provide support to them and people suffering from this disorder want to alter the way they are living their lives. It is a myth that socially anxious people do not prefer to be social or are against

Monday, September 23, 2019

Allied Health Scholarship Fund Contest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Allied Health Scholarship Fund Contest - Essay Example I have performed volunteer at Loma Linda Children’s Hospital in the Child Development Center and King Drew Medical Center in the psychiatric ward. I am currently an Emergency Medical Technician, certificate #B1980906. As well I have been a children’s camp counselor for both disabled as well as healthy children, and have been a mentor and basketball coach at the Y.M.C.A. and the U.C. Recreational Center. As you can see, I am committed to achievement and excellence, yet understanding and helping others is where my heart beats. I have faithfully served my calling here at UCLA since 2006. I have been accepted to the Firefighting Academy for the Fall of 2011. This will mean a hardship for my family and I because my wife is still in nursing school; paying for her tuition and the academy just isn’t possible on the part time wages I would receive after entering the academy. I want to be able to continue my dream of helping others as a professional member of this communit y; for this I need your help. This scholarship will provide me with the tools and information to serve my community with excellence and dedication; as well as provide me with an outlet to continue mentoring others along the way. I respectfully ask you to give me this opportunity to make a difference in our local community.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Glazing and Wall Ratio Studies for High Rise Building Envelope to Essay

Glazing and Wall Ratio Studies for High Rise Building Envelope to Achieve Energy Saving in Hong Kong - Essay Example When a curtain wall is made of glass, for example the International Finance Center (IFC) in Hong Kong, a great benefit is that light from the sun can penetrate more easily and deeper into the inner rooms. The curtain wall structure is normally spared of any dead load burden from the construction other than the weight of the materials used in its construction (Hart, 2008). The wall transmits lateral wind loads to the building’s pillars through linkages to floors or columns. Curtain walls are designed to prevent air and water penetration. Additionally, the structures also reduce the load caused by air currents and seismic forces playing out on the external surfaces, and its own sway triggered by the dead load weight. The paper explores how glazing to wall ratio affects energy saving in a curtain wall house. 2.0 Background to the project Curtain walling is essentially build with protruding aluminium metals, although in the past steel was used in the making of the structure. Apart from glass, stone veneer, louvers, vents, and metal panels can also be used as in-fills. Copper cladding can be used by architects to achieve visually attractive features into structural design. The project will revolve around the impact of glazed curtain walls on energy saving. 3.0 Aims and broad objectives The study will explore the level at which the metal can a material in terms of conducting heat. A study will be conducted to establish the significance of aluminium metal in heat loss through the curtain wall mullions made of the metal, especially in hot temperature. On the other hand, when it is cold, numerous ways aimed at checking the amount of heat loss will be explored; in IFC for example, apart from the curtain wall shading, the role of thermal breaks to the window will be explored. Due to the fact that thermal breaks are materials made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the study will explore the significance of the material and how it is used on the curtain wall to provide a substantial reduction in the heat conductivity of the wall structure. 4.0 Methods to be adopted Owing to the significance of the ‘U’ value in energy efficiency, the coefficient will be studied in shaded curtain walls. U value stands for the effectiveness of a curtain wall window structure to prevent heat transfer. In an effort to ascertain the solar factor in the heating and cooling of the IFC building, heat transfers across solid, liquid and gas will be examined. 5.0 Deliverables According to Glassman (2009), the glazed curtain wall models essentially show smaller U value coefficients as compared to concrete wall. Additionally a mechanically fixed system has a slightly higher U value compared to a hybrid system, if an identical IG spacer was employed. The repercussions of the wearing out of the mechanically fixed system gasket are more pronounced. Owing to the significance of wet sealing, most curtain walls constructed through this method achieve better U-values as opp osed to dry sealing method (Donaldson, 1988). Nonetheless, structurally glazed systems which are dry sealed, usually display high efficiency if IG spacer bars are used. Warm edge spaces made of desiccated silicone foam have been rated highest in terms of energy performance

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ancient Egyptian Art and Ancient Japanese Art Essay Example for Free

Ancient Egyptian Art and Ancient Japanese Art Essay Ancient Egyptian art during this time was a big time of this civilization. Ancient Egyptian Art usually depict god, goddess and animals, because of their high religious ways. Egytian art is still today recognized as some the most sophisticated works man has ever seen. I chose to works of art to compare and contrast Egyptian and Japanese art. I will start with Egyptian Art first. The Statue of Memi and Sabu Pair is a three dimensional work of art depicting husband and wife standing together These statues was placed in a serdab, the hidden statue chamber found in no royal tomb chapels of the Old Kingdom. This period of art was Egypt most innovative times because of Pyramids and works like this being made. The Egyptians believed that the spirit of the deceased could use such a statue as a home and enter it in order to benefit from gifts of food that were brought to the offering chapel of the tomb (The Metropolitan Museum of Art). The material used Giza Painted Limestone as part of Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4, between 2575–2465 b. c. This goes in with the time of what I discuss early that Egyptians having religious belief they often idealize and symbolize there dead. The pose is unusual because Memi is returning Sabus embrace by draping his arm around her shoulders showing a relationship between the two (The Metropolitan Museum of Art). Second work of art I chose is Ancient Japanese Art. Japanese Ancient Art is one the most dynamic art periods. They were the first to develop pottery. Ancient Japan pottery Go far back as the 11th BC. The work of art I chose to compare and contrast is Storage jar made of earthenware clay unglazed in Middle Jomon period between 2500–1500 B. C. The earthenware food vessel, which came from the Aomori Prefecture in northeastern Japan, is remarkable for the fine quality of its clay and its sophisticated decoration. The cord-marked herringbone pattern was reproduced by cords knotted together and twisted in opposite directions (The Metropolitan Museum of Art). Like the Egyptians they had very detail of work that symbolizes the culture. Japanese use these potteries to store food and eating. The reason for their vast use of pottery was probably so vast because the culture was always on the go at that time. In conclusion both works of both works of art show vast sophistication and symbolize a style based off their culture beliefs and needs. Egyptian Art may have more vast terminology than Japanese Art. Both have made an impact on society today.

Friday, September 20, 2019

F Scott Fitzgerald Was An American Dreamer English Literature Essay

F Scott Fitzgerald Was An American Dreamer English Literature Essay Modernism was a literary movement in the 19th century that challenged the traditional way of presenting art and all other aspects of social life, modernism also claimed that the traditional life was outdated and needed reforms and it described both a set of cultural tendencies and many associated cultural movements. Modernism was a contradiction against the conservative values of realism It argued that unlike traditional social system, the modern culture was permanent. It aimed at identifying the root causes that undermined social progress. Fitzgerald uses the basic concepts of modernity to advocate for change in literature and embrace new form of social organization. In his works, Fitzgerald uses various themes that advocate for modernism. Fitzgerald further emphasizes the way in which Modernism is fascinated with the way the mind processes or projects a reality which surrounds the individual but which is often alienating and oppressing. (Camacho) He utilizes the technique of the un reliable narrator to further locate The Great Gatsby within the Modernist sensibility. The experience of modernity was sophisticated and the narrator wishes that everyone would accept modernism. One things sure and nothings surer The rich get richer and the poor get children ( Here we are made aware of the fact that riches stood as a definition for the pompous and sophisticated people in society i know Ive been everywhere and seen everything and done everythingSophisticated God, Im sophisticated (Fitzgerald) The Great Gatsby explains in literary style all the characteristics of modernism. The experience of modernity was sophisticated and the narrator wishes that everyone would accept modernism Either you thinkor else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize'( Fitzgerald calls out on the society to civilize as he saw tradition as numbing and detaching pe ople who expect positive aspects of modernity. Fitzgerald has cleared in his novel In America about the modernity how the women is set free but is aimless without any goal and is used as a sex object in the novel Tender is the night and because of this reason women like rosemary left behind people like Dick back and marched ahead towards the future One of the most interesting contributions Fitzgerald makes to the analysis of modernity he found in his various sources is his suggestion that the quintessential American art form, the cinema epitomizes the modern tourists consciousness is the movie movie studio at Monte Carlo, where Rosemary goes to meet Brady (Jackson, p. 139) There are many aspects of modernism in F. Scott Fitzgeralds works. Especially, The Great Gatsby, addresses important issues of Modernism. Most of the issues that relate to modernism are the development of technology, feminism, the effect of World War I upon society, a questioning of God, and the possibility of man s place in a possibly Godless Universe. Apart from these themes that deal in Modernist literature, Fitzgerald founded the technique of the unreliable narrator make The Great Gatsby an important part of modernism In fact, F. Scott Fitzgerald is a leader of the modernist movement in literature. His works look at the typical characteristics of modernism.The uniqueness and novelty of Fitzgeralds style put him in the lead of modernist writers. Fitzgeralds works of art and the characterization are used to aptly illustrate Fitzgerald as one who started the modernist movement. Moreover, modernism meant breaking away from traditional responses and predictable forms and raising social issues of decadence in an urbanized and industrial society. In this aspect Fitzgerald has succeeded greatly in his novel, The Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgerald is known for his symbolic writing, like in the novel The Great Gatsby -Fitzgerald uses symbolism in the novel to represents an accurate reflection of the American life in the 1920s -The Doctor T.J. Eckelburgs eyes symbolize a godlike being watching everything a society, The food at Gatsbys party symbolize the members of the 1920s society -oranges show wasteful life, The two women dressed in yellow at Gatsbys party -they symbolize the values of the 1920s. Symbols are objects that recur in a piece of writing, which add an additional layer of meaning to the piece beyond the simple literal function of the object Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but thats no mattertomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther (Fitzgerald), Fitzgerald uses the green light as a metaphoric language to represent the consequences of the past to future dreams; Her porch was bright with the bought luxur y of star-shine; the wicker of the settee squeaked fashionably as she turned toward him and he kissed her curious and lovely mouth. She had caught a cold and it made her voice huskier and more charming than ever and Gatsby was overwhelmingly aware of the youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves, of the freshness of many clothes and of Daisy, gleaming like silver, safe and proud above the hot struggles of the poor (Fitzgerald). This attraction to the lights and shining things are a symbolic device; as Pachalska said, To some extentthe symbolism of the green light is Fitzgeralds invention, but its interpretation is conditioned and constrained by the conventional associations of green and light, which are not under Fitzgeralds control (Pachalska, p. 283); the symbol is characterizing to darkness as light. In The Great Gatsby, Nick is aware of the influence effect light can have; I liked to walk up Fifth Avenue and pick out romantic women from the crowd and imagine that in a few minutes I was going to enter into their lives, and no one would ever know or disapprove. Sometimes, in my mind, I followed them to their apartments on the corners of hidden streets, and they turned and smiled back at me before they faded through a door into warm darkness (Fitzgerald). In great Gatsby America is like a dream, an illusion which means something that attracts but they are not achievable, everybody seeks ambitiously but eventually realizes that all dreams are not achievable and the dreams were all hallucinations or imaginations. Fitzgeralds lifestyle symbolism represent the superficial life lead by the society during the 1920s the sheep on the back lot of the old Laemmle studio (Fitzgerald, p.75), the sheep symbolize people and how they do what another person does without thinking if it is right or wrong, they follow what is done by others -you dont use your brains and think if what is done is right or wrong. the sheep just follows without thinking. So people are c ompared to them as they also do not think before acting. another big symbol throughout Fitzgeralds works is the car it symbolises the wealth and class, When they got to the coast again the sky way grey, and at Santa Monica a sudden gust of rain bounced over them, Stahr halted beside the road, put them. Stahr halted beside the road, put on a raincoat, and lifted the canvas top (Fitzgerald, p.305) this quote symbolizes wealth -only wealthy people drive nice cars, Everybody had seen it. It was a rich cream color, bright with nickel, swollen here and there in its monstrous length with triumphant hat-boxes and supper-boxes and tool-boxes, and terraced with a labyrinth of wind-shields that mirrored a dozen suns (Fitzgerald, p. 164) Gatsbys car is a good example as a status symbol. Overall, F. Scott Fitzgerald is very symbolic in his writing and applies those symbols to make observations of the world around him. He uses symbols to criticize human inhabitants and American society in many wa ys.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Strategic Analysis of Walgreens and the Retail Drugstore Industry Es

Introduction Knowing the importance of a strategic vision, every company undertakes a complete analysis periodically. In order to create a strategic plan the parties involved must know every aspect of the industry and the company at hand. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the retail drugstore industry and then focus on Walgreens, the industry leader in terms of sales. As part of the in-depth analysis of Walgreens, its major competitors will also be described and analyzed. The retail drugstore industry consists of all those stores that contain a pharmacy and sell prescription drugs. It also includes businesses that sell prescription drugs online and through the mail. Most retail drugstores also offer other consumer goods and services to augment the low margin earned on prescription sales. To be considered a member of the retail drugstore industry requires sales of prescription pharmaceuticals to the end consumer. Many convenience, food and discount stores sell over-the-c ounter medicines, but these stores would not be considered retail drugstores because they do not also sell prescription medicines. Relevant Environment Competition: The relevant environment, which consists or interactions between the task environment and task environment, has been changing over the past 25 years. As competition has increased among grocery, discount and mass merchandising chains, blurring of channels has occurred. This is due to stores selling an increasing variety of goods to try to broaden their customer base and provide â€Å"one-stop† shopping. Many of these stores have added pharmacies as a source of convenience for their customers, and to increase store traffic, usually positioning the pharmacy in the back of the store. In response to this pressure, both independent and chain drugstores have greatly increased the variety of their retail product offerings. The sale of cosmetics, along with health and beauty aids, has become an important profit generator for retail drugstores. Many are now also positioning themselves to compete with convenience stores by offering snack food items, beverages, and st aple items. The move to stand-alone stores located on major roads with ample, close-in parking has been an important factor contributing to convenience. Customers: As indicated by the type of competition seen in the retail drugstore ... ...Top Performing Companies.† March 24,1998. â€Å"Rite Aid Reports 6.6 Percent Same-Store Sales Increase For May.† June 7,2000., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Company Overview., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Walgreens Joins Katie Couric in National Campaign., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Walgreens Joins Katie Couric in National Campaign. A Strategic Analysis of Walgreens and the Retail Drugstore Industry Es Introduction Knowing the importance of a strategic vision, every company undertakes a complete analysis periodically. In order to create a strategic plan the parties involved must know every aspect of the industry and the company at hand. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the retail drugstore industry and then focus on Walgreens, the industry leader in terms of sales. As part of the in-depth analysis of Walgreens, its major competitors will also be described and analyzed. The retail drugstore industry consists of all those stores that contain a pharmacy and sell prescription drugs. It also includes businesses that sell prescription drugs online and through the mail. Most retail drugstores also offer other consumer goods and services to augment the low margin earned on prescription sales. To be considered a member of the retail drugstore industry requires sales of prescription pharmaceuticals to the end consumer. Many convenience, food and discount stores sell over-the-c ounter medicines, but these stores would not be considered retail drugstores because they do not also sell prescription medicines. Relevant Environment Competition: The relevant environment, which consists or interactions between the task environment and task environment, has been changing over the past 25 years. As competition has increased among grocery, discount and mass merchandising chains, blurring of channels has occurred. This is due to stores selling an increasing variety of goods to try to broaden their customer base and provide â€Å"one-stop† shopping. Many of these stores have added pharmacies as a source of convenience for their customers, and to increase store traffic, usually positioning the pharmacy in the back of the store. In response to this pressure, both independent and chain drugstores have greatly increased the variety of their retail product offerings. The sale of cosmetics, along with health and beauty aids, has become an important profit generator for retail drugstores. Many are now also positioning themselves to compete with convenience stores by offering snack food items, beverages, and st aple items. The move to stand-alone stores located on major roads with ample, close-in parking has been an important factor contributing to convenience. Customers: As indicated by the type of competition seen in the retail drugstore ... ...Top Performing Companies.† March 24,1998. â€Å"Rite Aid Reports 6.6 Percent Same-Store Sales Increase For May.† June 7,2000., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Page Through Our Past., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Company Overview., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Walgreens Joins Katie Couric in National Campaign., June 15, 2000. Walgreens/Walgreens Joins Katie Couric in National Campaign.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Physics Behind Remote Sensing :: Physics

Remote Sensing is the science of acquiring, processing and interpreting images that record the interaction between the electromagnetic energy and matter (Sabins, 1997). Remote sensing offers extensive applications in almost every area of science from monitoring forest fires to geologic mapping . Although many aspects of remote sensing are complex and difficult to understand the basic theory behind remote sensing is simple physics. There are four major stages of remote sensing. The first stage is the source of energy, usually the sun, which sends energy to a target. The second stage is the interactions that the energy will go through as it passes through a vacuum and the earth’s atmosphere. There is then interactions that occurs with the body on earth’s surface. The energy again, goes through the atmosphere and finally the sensor is able to detect and record the electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic Energy Electromagnetic energy is a dynamic form of energy that is caused by the acceleration or oscillation of a charged particle. All substances above absolute zero (0 Kelvin) emit a range of electromagnetic energy. The sun emits electromagnetic energy and practically all of the natural electromagnetic energy injected into the earth is produced by the sun (Prakush, 2002). Electromagnetic Radiation Electromagnetic Radiation is the streams of mass-less particles, traveling in a harmonic, sinusoidal fusion at the velocity of light each possessing a specific amount of energy. The distance from one peak to the next is the wavelength and the number of peaks passing through a fixed point per unit time is the wave frequency (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1994). Electromagnetic radiation is Electromagnetic energy in motion and can be described by the basic wave theory. Electromagnetic Spectrum Electromagnetic waves are characterized by their wavelength location within the electromagnetic spectrum which is most commonly measured in micrometers. Names are often assigned to regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, but there is no clear cut dividing lines from one region to the next (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1994). Stefan - Boltzmann Law How much energy any objects radiates is a function of its surface temperature. The Stefan - Boltzmann equations tells one that as a temperature of a body increase the total radiance of the body will also increase. (Sabins, 1997). Interactions The way electromagnetic radation interacts with matter can be detected with different sensors. How the radation interacts depends upon the properties of the medium, the wavelength of the incedent radation and the incident angle. There are four major types of interactions that occur: transmission, reflection, scattering and absorption (Lillesand and Kiefer, 1994).

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Safe Alternative to Toxic Chemicals Used in Agriculture :: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation

Safe Alternative to Toxic Chemicals Used in Agriculture    "Let the earth bring forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it. ‘And so it happened: the earth brought forth every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it. God saw how good it was’" (Genesis 1:11-12). The world once consisted of a "Garden of Eden" where all was good and pure. Weather or not you believe in the Catholocists theory of how the earth was created is irrelevant. What we do know from research, technology, and tradition among cultures is that there was a period of time, in the beginning of time, where productivity did not rely on the "necessities" of a modern world. Although the world of technology has improved many aspects of the lives of humans and other fortunate creatures on this earth, it is also causing the destruction and extinction of other entities. The good earth that once occupied the land of this existing world is one of the unfortunate recipients of tragedy caused by the advancements of the improving world we live in. We live in an environment that is altered in every way by man. Every piece of material used each day is contaminated from humans trying to "improve" the normal lifestyle. This community we live in is no longer a natural one due to the products being used and the food being processed. Through the destruction of man, by man, an increase of deaths by serious illness has expanded. Humans should have reason to question the causes of these fatalities. The solution to this problem needs to be sought. It is pertinent that we educate ourselves and take interest in what is happening to the earth in order to ensure our future. The first goal that needs to be met is to determine and evaluate the chemicals that exist in the agricultural environment. Certain criteria such as evaluating statistics of illness and death caused by these chemicals, how government officials are regulating pesticidal use, and establishing alternative methods of living need to be included when evaluating this dilemma. The Industrial Revolution although a time of immense prosperity for the United States brought such inventions and chemicals to society that changed the world forever. The chemical and pesticide use on crops after World War I also contributed to the decline of the quality of

Nursing: Academic Degree and Emergency Room Nurse Essay

Did you know that the Civil War had an effect on nursing jobs for women? According to Karen J. Egenes, the volunteer nurses of the Civil War â€Å"changed the public’s perception of work by women outside of their homes. † There are numerous nursing jobs available to this day. Nursing jobs are always in high demand. Although some people go into this career field, not for the passion of it, but for the income, this is not a career for everyone. One type of nursing job that is important is an emergency room nurse. Emergency room nurses play an important role in the nursing industry because there can never be enough nurses in the ER. Emergency room nurses are growing in high demand. Within the next 10 years, the ER nursing industry will increase with twenty-six percent. One reason they are in high demand, is because it is becoming harder and harder to get in to see a regular doctor. Instead, you could go to the emergency room and get immediate attention. Being an emergency room nurse there are many tasks. Although you may not be doing the same thing daily, you will always be busy. Some of those tasks include, provide care for the patients coming in, monitor health conditions, administer medicine, and advising the patients and their families. To become an emergency room nurse you must have an associate’s degree in nursing, a bachelors of science in nursing, or have graduated from an approved nursing program. There are many transferable skills needed in this job. One of the main skills needed is critical thinking, because you always deal with something new, and have to think on the spot. Some other skills are compassion, being able to pay attention to detail, organization, being calm and patient, and being a good communicator. The median hourly income according to Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median hourly income in Iowa is $31. 10, and the yearly income is $64,690. Although some people go for jobs because of the income, becoming an emergency room nurse is not for everyone, and you would need to be compassionate for it. Although all nursing jobs you have to have a passion for, being a Hospice nurse takes a lot of courage. According to Asera Care, the hospice team provides medical, emotional, practical, and spiritual support to people with terminal illness, and their families. The hospice nurse provides many things for the patient and the family. As a hospice nurse, some tasks you would do are providing nursing assessments, plan and care for the patient’s comfort, and you would be with the family until the patients’ last day. Some of the transferable skills needed to go into the hospice field is being structured, independent, strong, self-directed, and caring. To become a hospice nurse, you must obtain an associate’s degree in nursing, bachelors in science of nursing, or a nursing degree. Along with having a degree of nursing, you must also have one years’ worth of nursing experience. The average salary for a hospice nurse is between thirty-one thousand, and forty-one thousand. Being a hospice nurse may be a hard job, dealing with the end of people’s lives, but in the end it is rewarding knowing that you made it better for them. A third nursing job that is available, and is in demand is a pediatric nurse. To be a pediatric nurse, you must be able to work well with kids, and young adults. You would be dealing with patients from infancy to young adulthood. Some of the daily tasks you would be doing according to Discover Nursing, are conducting checkups, giving immunizations, counseling patients and families, and helping or teaching the families of diseases or sicknesses. Although many of the nursing jobs available, you must have the same type of transferable skills, some of the skills you need to become a pediatric nurse are being structured, multifaceted, and strong. To become a pediatric nurse, you need an associate’s degree in nursing, a bachelors of science in nursing, and a pediatric nurse certification. Some of the classes that can help you pursue your dream of becoming a pediatric nurse are any type of children’s class, and children’s psychology classes. The average salary for a pediatric nurse is anywhere between $31,007 and $81,951. If you are not able to deal with little kids, and or things you have to handle with kids, being a pediatric nurse is not the career field for you. Nursing is an astounding career field to go into, that is, if it is a passionate field for you. There are many choices for the nursing field, such as an ER nurse, hospice nurse, or pediatric nurse. There are different positives and negatives in each career field. In the nursing field, I feel as if there are more positives than negatives. You’re changing somebodies life, for the better. Works Cited Asera Care. Asera Care, n. d. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. . The Campaign for Nursing’s Future. Johnson & Johnson, 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. . Egenes, Karen J. â€Å"History of Nursing. † History of Nursing: 6. Print. Snag a Job. N. p. , 2000. Web. 29 Jan. 2014. .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Barbara and Electra Case Study

Question(1):How might top management have done a better job changing Elektra Products into a new kind of organization? What might they do now to get the empowerment process back on track? Analysis of the case study Main issues – 1. Declining of Market shares 2. Few new product ideas or far between 3. Poor staff relationship 4. Low staff morale Weaknesses- 1. approach in change management 2. Organizational culture 3. creating problem solving team 4. the process of employee involvement and empowerment 5. the facilitation by Martin GriffinThe attempt to do staff empowerment is a nice try but it alone is not the complete solution for the root cause of the problems. In order to reach to the solution of all these issues, they have to find out what are the underlying causes of these issues. The newly hired Martin Griffin mentioned in the opening speech that â€Å"As we face increasing competition, we need new ideas, new energy and new spirit to make this company great. And the sourc e for this change is you—each one of you. † Though he mentioned that each of the staff is important, he failed to allow everyone actively participates and play important role in the program.He neglected the importance of each and everyone’s contribution and effort to the program. He should have made understand what does it means by employee involvement and empowerment; how it will help the company solves the issues and, the ways to do and requirements for the staff involvement and empowerment program. It was worsen when the main facilitator, Martin Griffin, had excused from the session at the time Barbara and team enthusiastically presented their innovative ideas to department heads. The facilitator also fails to aim what kind of outputs he expects at the end of the session.For the successful empowerment program, the organization structure and its enabling environment is very critical. Trust building is very important part of the program especially in this situat ion where staff relationship and morale is poor. It is not only important for the top management level but also the department heads or managers from all other departments are important to accept the concept of staff involvement and empowerment. As the company is on its way of changing to a new era, every staff will have different perspective of interest on how it will affect their current roles, responsibilities and job security.All of which are worth to take in consideration in managing the change process. The managers are not so sure why they require these changes as they have been doing well in the past and they believe they can do it again. On the other hand, every staff has a different management theory and surely they are not on the same page with other management staff or with the company’s current management. It is quite critical to ensure that every management staff equipped with relevant knowledge and skills that will contribute the company’s strategic goals .The staff must have a common understanding of the organizational value, culture, strategic goals and how the empowerment process will add on the success of the organization. Instead of creating problem solving team with managers selected by top management, allow all managers to voluntarily work as cross-functional teams and come up with innovative ideas and opinions. By doing so, each team will have a representative from each specialized departments who has his or her own perspective and issue on the ideas.Contribution from different expertise and background will provide the ideas reach wider scope and reality. Then, each team should discuss the ideas with other teams which may require some modification and negotiation process. If everyone satisfies with the ideas, the staff involvement will be improved and the ideas will become action. It is natural that someone could resist the ideas or changes made by others. But if they are put in a position to be part of a cross-functional tea m that needs to come up with an innovative idea, the discussion environment among the team will tend to be more constructive.In addition, since the company is to undergo a big change, the top management should have implemented a good change management strategy and plan. They should also prepare a communication strategy and plan to inform the staff accordingly. So that it will be clear what is going to happen, why, how and who will be responsible in the change process. The communication strategy and plan is also important as the staffs are very concerned with the change and restructuring process.If the staffs are not well communicated about the changes, the restructuring with many rumors will encourage the staff leaving the organization and looking for a new job which will be a lost the trained and skillful human resources of Elektra. Recommendation to top management in changing Elektra to a new kind of organization and to get back empowerment process on track: * Ensure all staff und erstands what are the vision, mission and strategic goals of Elektra. * Recruit or train staff to ensure the organization is equipped with necessary skills for change management. For eg.Hire a skillful and experienced facilitator who can give time and have a sound facilitation plan. A good facilitation plan must aim some specific objectives, processes of facilitation and expected results * Make sure that everyone understand what empowerment is and why it is important and how it will contribute to the vision, mission and long-term strategic goals * Remove the process of selected problem solving team in an attempt to change Elektra and instead make them voluntarily participate in the cross-functional team which includes representative from each department, different backgrounds etc. Facilitate the department heads/managers to address the underlying causes of each problems in their sector from their perspective and reflect their past experiences * Group the causes and brainstorm all th e managers what should they do to reach a solution to these problems so that they understand and practically involve in the change process * Create an organization structure that will encourage enabling environment and culture for the staff so that they can use their abilities and energies which can then lead to job satisfaction, motivation, commitment by employee. Implement a change management strategy and plan that will ensure the process is on track ( what, why, how and by who throughout the change process) and how it will be sustained. * Identify the transformation leadership team to steer the change and operational leadership team to manage the day-to-day deliverables. * Set a time frame for the change process to reach its goal as to ensure the urgency of the change and effectively response to the continuously evolving environment and available opportunities. * Make your strategy and plan be flexible, daptable, acceptable by all stakeholders and suitable for your company and op erational environment so that the plan will be realistically implemented. * Implement a communication strategy and plan to ensure staff received relevant information with regards to the changes which will reflect their interests. * Ensure that the road map and milestones are carefully prioritize and aligned to reach strategic goals so that the manager can monitor and manage the success or failure in each step towards the strategic goals. Set your operating values in trying to achieve the goals that employee understand what the organization expect and values what kinds of behavior and attitude. * Organize programs and trainings that could enhance the leadership, shared value, cooperate culture and trust building * Build capacity of the staff to gain necessary skills and knowledge in implementing staff involvement and empowerment program Questions (2): Can you think of ways Barbara could have avoided the problems her team faced in the meeting with department heads?The problems with th e department heads are due to the lack of cross-functional contribution, communication, mind-set, role and planning. It could be possible for Barbara to handle the situation by; Barbara and her team should have considered the impact of their ideas and possible response by concerned departments. If Barbara has carefully analyzed what could be the challenges of their ideas, she would have prepared for a back-up or contingency plan to negotiate the departmental heads. By this way her team will have full confident on their own ideas and the department heads will feel confident that the plan was crafted carefully.Barbara should open her mind by accepting for their active feedback with thanks as this is a good opportunity to turn the different department heads in the process. She should have faced the resistance and brought up the concern from each department heads. So that and she can start a cross-functional team to brainstorm the more realistic ideas looking from different perspective. Barbara should explain that the ideas shared by her team are only part of the solution to these problems within their scope and the team requires feedback and opinion in a wider scope from other departments.And before Martin Griffin leaves the workshop, she has to confirm with him that when will be the next workshop to hear feedback from Martin griffin about her team’s presentation. So that when the department heads resist and debate on the new ideas, she can note down the issues raised and let that the feedback from the department heads will be thoroughly discussed in next workshop. By doing so, the department heads will feel they also have a role in the process and Barbara got time to do a plan and consider possible solution to the issues so as to move forward the process.Questions (3): If you were Barbara Russell, what would you do now? Why? If I were Barbara Russell, I will work out to keep motivate my team. I will appreciate the team for their effort and contribution to ward the company. I will make sure the team understands that for our ideas to be stronger, more realistic and practical for all of us, we need to look our ideas from various aspects as we have experienced that various departments have their own issues on our ideas.So, in order to successfully implement our ideas, we need collaboration and commitment from all other departments that we must find ways to solve the concerns of other departments. As working within our own team will limit our expertise and other resources, we require contribution of expertise from different sectors. We must find out a way to get support and collaboration from different departments. I will encourage my team to revisit our ideas, gather information from all departments, try to open our mind to accept, and respect the others’ perspective and ideas.I will discuss with Top management and Martin griffin about our team’s ideas, several issues raised by the department heads. I will reflect my experi ence during the presentation of our team’s ideas, expectation of other staff, feeling and concerns of other departments. I will discuss ways to allow all departments to work together as a whole and discuss what specific strategy and plan should we implement to manage the change process to ensure achievement of our strategic goals.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bohol, in the Eyes of a First-Time Beholder Essay

Perched on a very young palm tree, the tarsier fidgeted as I aimed my camera on its direction. It was only a few centimeters away, so easy to touch and yet I reminded myself to avoid the temptation. I read in an article how traumatizing it can be for these velvety creatures to be held, that they would hurt themselves to death after being â€Å"violated† by curious tourists who are never content with taking pictures. So imagine my surprise when it landed very near me to catch the cricket hiding behind the leaves. Without even thinking, I brushed my fingers on its brown fur in what seemed to be a second or two; it didn’t flinch, but the click of the camera (there was no flash since it was daytime) alerted it, and it darted back to its highest hiding place in the palm tree. Like that unlikely encounter with the tarsier, my trip to Bohol was something worthy to remember. Thanks to the invitation of a friend, poet and journalist Michael Ortega Ligalig, my memory of Bohol was not limited to beaches, Chocolate Hills, and yes, tarsiers. But there is no denying that Bohol is teeming with natural and man-made assets. If you are artsy and into culture, Bohol can offer you a lot with its cultural and historical riches. If you are into nature and adventure, there are surprises that the island can offer. Churches and Heritage Houses For somebody like me who is fascinated with old things and history, Bohol is like a gold mine with its old churches and heritage houses. Almost all of the 47 towns have old, massive, stone churches that have survived natural ravages, wars and even climate change. I asked to be brought to some of the most fascinating ones, like the Baclayon and Loboc churches. The Church of the Immaculate Conception or the Baclayon Church is one of the country’s oldest churches. First built in 1595, the Jesuit frailes built the Neoclassic structure piece by piece using adobe and coral that were joined together by adhesive made from egg whites (imagine all the chicken eggs used to build such a magnificent structure!). From the front door, one could see the marble tombstones that were embedded on the walls and pylons, the names of the dead intricately written in Spanish. The retablo or the church altar was also an imposing piece of art, though we were unable to see the church’s pipe organ. It also has a museum similar to that of San Agustin in Intramuros. The fee is not very expensive, but cameras are not allowed. Still, one can take pictures of the saints on the ground floor joining the museum and the church, where they kept a coterie of human-size religious images or statues. St. Peter Parish Church or Loboc Church is the second oldest church in Bohol. Originally built in 1602, a stronger one was built in 1638. Located near the famous Loboc River cruise, it has survived a number of floods. Inside the church, murals depicting religious events can be found on the dome right on top of the main altar. A Spanish coat-of-arms can be found near the entrance of the convent which today houses the Museo de Loboc. This museum houses a few religious images and artifacts, like registry books from the 1800s and choir books. There is also a magnificent bell tower adjacent the church. One can also find a bridge that was never completed; it would have joined the two parts of the town separated by the river, but it would mean demolishing part of the church. It is also the home of the famous Loboc Children’s Choir. There are also plenty of heritage houses all over Bohol, particularly in Baclayon and Dauis. Owned mostly by merchant families and old political clans, its interiors are characterized by wide and thick wooden floor planks and wide stairways with wooden balusters. The interiors often feature wooden sala and table sets, cabinets and dressers and rocking chairs, while the walls often hold portraits of its departed residents. Some of the houses include the ancestral houses of the Clarin, Villamor, Malon, Luza, Sofia and Abueva, and some of them actually accommodate tourists for a bed-and-breakfast experience. Beaches and Diving Bohol is getting its fair share of tourism fame with its pristine white sand beaches, the most famous of which is Panglao Island and Dauis, although there are plenty of other beaches minus the flock of tourists and expensive. The most famous is Alona Beach, an 800-meter stretch of white powdery sand located south of Panglao Island. Many full-service beach and dive resorts reside there. The sea around Pamilacan Island is frequented by whales and dolphins, as it is also a favored breeding and feeding site of tuna, snappers, groupers, mackerel and surgeonfish, making it a perfect spot for those who want to see the teeming natural fish population at work. There are a number of diving spots that offer priceless views of the sea beneath. Balicasag is known for its rare, beautiful seashells and its beds of corals are considered one of the best dive spots in the country. On the other hand, Danajon Bank is the only double barrier reef in the Philippines and is one of only three such sites in the Asia-Pacific region, spread across almost 130 kilometers of seabed and consist of three large reefs. Flora and Fauna Because of its geographical features, Bohol’s endemic flora and fauna makes it a hot spot for nature lovers. The Philippine Tarsier Sanctuary in Corella town is a 134-hectare land that has been set aside as a protected area for its most celebrated creature considered the world’s smallest primate. However, there are many mini-â€Å"tarsier zoos† that are maintained by resorts. These resorts or mini-zoos often put these tarsiers in small cages and crowded, considering the wild nature of these animals. While my friend assured me that these resorts have â€Å"adoption certificates† from the local environmental offices, I still find it disturbing to find these magnificent creatures caged like birds. In the town of Albuquerque, there is a mini-zoo that claims to hold the biggest python in captivity ever known. Its name is Prony, approximately almost 30 feet and an estimated weight of about 300 kilograms. They also have a variety of birds species like parakeets, pigeons and other avians. However, a star attraction would be the entertainer which we humorously call â€Å"Kakambal ni Prony.† Clad in shiny gaudy costumes, she would dance near the snake’s spectators. We were also fortunate to visit the Mahogany Man-Made Forest in the town of Bilar, a two-kilometer stretch of densely planted mahogany trees located in the border of Loboc and Bilar. River Cruises The ultimate part of our trip would be the scenic Loboc River Cruise. We took the nighttime cruise as my friend advised because of the lamps that would light up as our boat would pass by. The boat fee includes a buffet meal that included seafood, meat and desserts. As the boat commenced its trip, a man with his electric guitar started to sing, his repertoire including American hits from the seventies. My companions and I found the lineup rather distracting as he started with Don McLean’s Vincent then to assorted songs from Bread and Air Supply. However, as the colored lamp posts began glowing from the sides, we were already transfixed and astonished. We briefly stopped on a floating raft that has a big group of singers belting their original songs. We all got off and started clapping. I interviewed some of the children and the adults who actually make a living from the song and dance number, and it ended with them selling their very own musical CD to the tourists. The visit to Bohol was short and partly fulfilling. I am decided to pursue this island more and look forward to seeing more of its assets very, very soon.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Describing a Mother and Her Role in Our Society Essay

Describing a Mother and Her Role in Our Society Understanding a Mother’s Role and Encouraging Love, Adoration and Respect for Her In fact, â€Å"Mother’s Role in the Society’ is considered to be quite a sensitive and emotional topic for the discussion. Interestingly, nowadays there are many writers who highlight this issue in their literary works. In general, the mother can be described in various ways and in different situations. Some examples, which can be used in a Mother Essay, are stated elow: * Biologically, a mother is a social female parent of an offspring Collectively, it is she who fulfills the main social role in raising the child But for the various definitions, there is one thing common throughout the whole world: each mother should be loved and respected. Actually, this factor should be emphasized by the society we are living in. Indeed, there can hardly be a community which would say that the mother is nothing but a living being made to deliver children. However, still there might be some humans who would think like this. But in general, every culture has a valued position for the mother. It is a well-known fact that the mother is strongly related to her children. Hence, a Mother Essay should be specially focused on a mother- child relationship. Everyone supports a view that the mother is not Just the woman who gives birth to a child, but the one who adopts the child and considers it to be hers. In reality, there are many reasons why the mother cannot bring up the child she gave birth to: * Poverty It is crystal clear that the raising a child in poverty is a great challenge. If a lonely other cannot earn her living, she may not be able to earn for the child. This makes her abandon her child. * Social problems Some communities still follow Infanticide, which is killing an infant. In such cases, each mother wants her baby to survive and hence she may give away the baby to someone else. * Superstitions In certain uneducated families, new born babies are killed or discarded because they were born with some disease. They tend to give such kid a superstitious name and throw away the baby. In any case, a mother is always unhappy about the departure f her baby. In many communities, a mother is considered an incarnation of Goddess. Therefore, she is highly praised and worshiped. People celebrate Mother’s Day to commemorate the spirit of motherhood. Thanks to this approach, the Mother Essay would bring awareness among the rest of the communities to consider the image of mother as an angel who cares for all family-members equally. Traditionally, the mother is associated with the following roles: * Giving birth toa child * Educating the child with good values * Making a family circle from a house Taking care of all members of the family Dealing with a Mother Essay, it should be kept in mind that in a father-mother- children relationship the closest person for any member is a mother. She is the center towards which all other elements are closely attached. The father may not be Children might not be that close to their father, as he is most of the time away from home. Amazingly, some mothers might act even as a communicative line between the children and their father. This shows the importance of a mother in a family.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Detrimental Effects of Illegal File Sharing Essay

The Detrimental Effects of Illegal File Sharing - Essay Example The thesis is not that clear, because it does not name all affected stakeholders. Original artists are not the only stakeholders affected. The essay mentioned other people who are also affected by piracy at the body, such as those involved in producing and distributing original music, but this is not part of the thesis. The thesis is arguable, because it can be contested. For instance, opponents of intellectual property rights can argue that file sharing can actually increase sales by expanding the distribution of music and enticing people to buy original copies. Each paragraph does not cover one idea, because it lacks topic sentences. The thesis has several points that would have been the topic sentences that could have guided the content or ideas of each paragraph. The paragraph on the motive of illegal file sharing should be removed, because it is not a detrimental impact of illegal file sharing. Each paragraph does not have a topic sentence and so its ideas are scattered, but they can still be connected to the thesis. For instance, one of the paragraphs started with: â€Å"Richard Waterman...logged the number of times Limewire users sought to download each of the files in a sample of one thousand eight hundred.†

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Identify and briefly explain the possible configurations of joint Essay

Identify and briefly explain the possible configurations of joint venture. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the join - Essay Example Countries like China, which opposed globalization once, became strong supporters of globalization at present. No country can develop properly with the help of domestic resources alone. The above truth was realised by the countries only after the entry of globalization. Today, countries are competing in attracting foreign direct investments. It is easy for the organizations to enter a foreign soil at present. Merger, acquisition, strategic alliances, Joint venture etc are some of the major mode of entry adopted by organizations. Joint venture is â€Å"a contractual agreement joining together two or more parties for the purpose of executing a particular business undertaking. All parties agree to share in the profits and losses of the enterprise† (Joint Venture, n. d). Joint venture is an alliance of two or more companies or individuals. The parties involved in joint venture will utilize their skills, expertise, resources etc to carry out the objectives, visions and missions of t he enterprise they formed under the label of joint venture. In joint venture agreements both the parties exercise control over the enterprise and all the assets, revenues and expenses. This paper analyses the structure of joint venture alliances and the advantages and disadvantages of joint venture as a mode of entry. ... The legal status of a corporation is clear, and its ability to own assets, incur liabilities and enter into legally binding contracts is obvious to third parties. The liability of shareholders for the corporation’s debts and obligations is limited to their capital investment in the corporation, something that is not always the case with other entities (Vaughan, 2010) Corporations operate strictly in accordance with the corporate law. The corporate laws can be different in different countries. The joint venture corporations should obey the corporate laws of the country in which the corporation is registered. For example, Dubai Internet City and Kerala (one of the Indian states) recently formed a corporation called smart city in order to do IT business in Kochi. There were lots of controversies before the formation of this corporation. Dubai Internet City insisted some demands about the ownership of the land provided to them by the Kerala government. They asked for total control (Including selling right) over some portions of the land allocated to them by the Kerala government. â€Å"The main barrier that caused postponement of the smart city Kochi project was the conflicts about the free hold rights for 12 percent land of 30 acres which demanded by Dubai based promoters†(Kochi smart city new agreement details, 2011). However, the Kerala government insisted that it is impossible to give outright ownership of the land as per the existing laws in India. Finally, Dubai Internet City forced to give up their arguments. General partnership is another structure of joint venture mode of entry. In this case all the members in the partnership agreement may have personal liability for all the obligations performances of the enterprise

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Imagining the Impossible and Daring to Fight for it Essay

Imagining the Impossible and Daring to Fight for it - Essay Example I understood the meaning of this slogan only when we tried to start a student organization to fight against the injustices of capitalist society. The collective formed from the student organization gave us hope to dream for a brave new world with lesser exploitation and lesser oppression. It not only gave us hope but also taught us to find hope from ourselves. We realized many things which previously did not dare to imagine. We understood that we are not only the inheritors of an epoch which brings all the barbarities of past generations back to the brains of the living but also the trailblazers of a new society which is suffocating in the womb of the old. What we have in this society is merely a future of wage slavery that too is not undoubtedly because of the general capitalist tendency to keep a reserve army of proletariat. We are not only to interpret the world but also to change it since the interpretation of the world has no meaning if it is not for changing it. We are set to f ree ourselves from the society of, by and for wage slavery by knowing what is not yet known while assimilating what is already known as the wisdom of past generations. This is the only way for us to be grounded on theory and strive for the creation of a better world (not another world) by the means of concrete practice. In this society, the relations between human beings are predominantly determined by the relationship between things. Even things do not exist as things but as commodities. The end result is that human beings have also become commodities and the relationships between them are commoditized. As the members of most self conscious species, we at least deserve to have a world without the embarrassing stupidity of commercial advertisements. Nevertheless, we are aware of the tremendous transformations necessary for such a minute change. We do not have the illusion that students could lead the struggle against exploitation and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Essay Example d be we should be prudent in how and what form they can provide financial or political support for Israel, without exempting them from the same accountability demanded of all nations and churches regarding human rights and international law. Lee von Bockmann, James. â€Å"Review: Philosophical Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, edited by Tomis Kapitan.† Arab Studies Quarterly 21.4 (1999): 105-109. ProQuest. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Lee von Bockmann reviews the book that Kapitan edited, Philosophical Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, has the strengths of revealing the dark side of Israel as a terrorist state and a secondary genocide maker because of its violent tactics and consequences. He discusses diverse philosophical perspectives that offers different philosophical lenses for the understanding and resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Mollov, Ben, and Chaim Lavie. â€Å"Culture, Dialogue and Perception Change in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.† International Journal of Conflict Management 12.1 (2001): 69-87. ProQuest. Web. 17 Mar. 2014. Mollov and Lavie conducted a survey on Palestinian and Israeli students to understand how intercultural dialogue on people-to-people levels can result to more positive perceptions of one another. These perceptions can lead to common interests that can support long-term peace aspirations in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other similar conflict settings. Naqib studies the economic effects of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on the collapse of the Oslo Accord. He asserts that the Israeli policies and actions have destabilized the Palestinian economy by limiting trade, taxation, labor market flows, and access to land, which resulted to income decline, poverty, and unemployment in Palestinian territories. He argues that two important issues are the Palestinian right of sovereignty and the right to liberate their economy from colonial reliance on Israel. Roy examines the paradigm shifts that

Monday, September 9, 2019

The Scope and Nature of Adult Education Programs Essay

The Scope and Nature of Adult Education Programs - Essay Example Often the activities have a voluntary approach instead of a mandatory participation of adult learning. Taylor mentions that non-formal learning, such as a field trip to museums, zoos, aquariums, and libraries produce spontaneous general interest in such institutions (Taylor et al, 2010). These multitude of institutions listed by Taylor, and Parrish and countless other educators, provide us with opportunities for lifelong learning, and include an educational experience. With growing popularity in the field of these cultural institutions, the people are provided with a recreational and educational perspective. This paper will explore mainly the perspective of Non-formal education in the adult learning setting. This will include a discussion of the non-formal learning institution considered as Comic Book Conventions. Particularly we will be discussing the once a year event brought to the general public in Toronto, Ontario known as The Fan Expo Canada, and touch basis of comparison between Montreal Comic-con and The San Diego International Comic-con. For the examination of this paper, we will begin with the history of Comic Book Conventions, thus letting us follow further to the next discussion of the attractions and programs provided within this type of institutions. Then we will move on to discuss about the pros and cons of this institutional yearly event and thus ending the discussion with my experience attending the Comic Book Convention and with my final thoughts as to my conclusion.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

U3 Research Project Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

U3 Research Project - Coursework Example On the other hand, an Organizational Unit (OU) is also a container object. Its function is to arrange other objects in a way that supports the user’s administrative purposes. An OU organizes objects into a logical hierarchy, making it easier to find and manage. It is used when the delegation of specific administrative roles is needed. Its advantage is that it simplifies the management of objects, enabling administrators to organize Active Directory to match their organization’s needs (Microsoft, 2014). A domain tree comprises several domains linked together in a hierarchical style. The first domain forms the foundation of the naming structure of subsequent domains. The purpose of a domain tree is to classify interrelated objects stored in various domains into hierarchies that match an organization’s needs. Domain trees are used when an organization wants to categorize interrelated domains for easier access. It is beneficial because subsequent child domains can be added to the parent domain. Domains within a tree have a hierarchical naming style in which the child domain name is added to the parent name (Simmons, 2001). On the other hand, a domain forest comprises several trees linked together by their root domains. It acts as the highest container in a specific Active Directory. Its function is to link several domains and domain trees to form an Active Directory. It is used when an organization wants to connect two or more domain trees, which do not share contiguous names. It is advantageous because information is only shared within one forest, increasing data security (Microsoft,

On hundredth congress of the united state of amreica Essay

On hundredth congress of the united state of amreica - Essay Example Costs can be improved through more comprehensive and efficient management. Quality improvement programs need to be customer oriented and management led. This will require companies, agencies in businesses in general to make significant changes to the ways they currently operate. Several examples of competing industrial nations tell us that incorporating private sector style of auditing can be beneficial and a national award for auditing quality can improve productivity. This will push American companies to improve the quality of products as they will be getting the national recognition in auditing. Companies that will improve their quality will serve as examples for others to follow. Specific guidance will be provided to those companies who would wish to be enlisted in the leading companies who have considerably improved the quality of their products. The purpose of this act is to provide for establishment and conduct of a national quality improvement program that will; give awards t o those companies who will practice effective quality management and significantly improve the quality of their products/services, and the information is disseminated about successful strategies and